Pre-sales questions

  •  05-24-2006, 4:06 PM

    Pre-sales questions

    We want to use this editor to let our client give us formatted content which we will display on the Web site we built for them. This will give them total control over the look and content of certain screen areas. The HTML generated from your editor will be stored in an Oracle data field.
    We also provide a report of all the data inputs to the Web site, including this content (so they can have a supervisor approve the data).  The report  which displays onscreen is in HTML format now in a two-column table. (Column A being the data field name and Column B being the data itself).  Right now (because we aren't using your editor) the content is straight text and displays that way in the Column B table cell.
    Here's the question: will the HTML output from your editor taken from the Oracle field display in the Col B table cell with formatting intact?  (Will it look the same as it did when the user formatted it in the editor?) Are there header or body tags that are inserted, or is the HTML stored exactly as it shows in the HTML viewer in the editor?
    Also, can we restrict the font styles that show in the Font control? Can we restrict the font sizes that appear in the Font control?
    Thanks in advance.
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