Background color in HTML edit mode always white

  •  05-18-2006, 10:36 AM

    Background color in HTML edit mode always white


    Hi, I'm having trouble getting the background color to be anything but white in the HTML edit mode.
    I have my foreground text color set to white and my background to blue.  This shows up fine in Normal mode, but then when I click the HTML mode button to edit the HTML the background goes to white and the foreground also stays white.  If I change my foreground text color to black I can see it when I switch to HTML mode.  But when it's white on white everything is invisible unless I highlight all the HTML text.  Then I can see it.  I noticed this same behavor is happening here on this example page...
    Click the HTML mode button on this example and you will see that the background becomes white and the text is no longer visible because it is also white.  How can I apply my background color to the HTML mode window as well as the Normal mode window?
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