Re: removing all html on paste

  •  05-17-2006, 11:13 PM

    Re: removing all html on paste

    Adam, I had a think about this issue and worked out the perfect solution for any permutation.

    What if instead of the static options you are creating now, you made an option to use the CodeCleaner options?

    eg,  editor.onpaste = "cleanWord,cleanFont,cleanSpan"

    The Code-Cleaner functionality is already there and it works perfectly. All it needs is the ability to automate those options when pasting. And because the customer can choose which of those options to use when pasting, there are far more combinations available than the few static options we have now.

    It would certainly solve all the issues I am currently having, including issues where I want to remove Word markup as well as Font tags, which I currently cannot do when pasting.

    It also means less work for you guys as the CodeCleaner already works, and any time you add to the Code-Cleaner, you automatically add to the .onpaste function!

    What do you think? This would be HUGE!!!

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