Issue with bolding in version 5.3

  •  05-17-2006, 8:20 AM

    Issue with bolding in version 5.3

    Whenever I bold the whole editor I get different results when using fire fox and IE.  Firefox puts the bold tag in side of the div tag and IE puts the bold tag as a strong tag.  Why is the bold not set as a <B> tag instead of <strong> and style="font-weight: bold;".  The older verision of cute editor that I have uses <B> tags which is what I would prefer however I could live with <strong> tags for both ie and fire fox.

    original Text
    <div align="center"><span style="font-family: Lucida Sans; color: #7ac142; font-size: 18pt;">(Customer Name)<br>(Week Day of Mtg), (Time of mtg)<br>(Room Location)<br><br>For more information, contact<br>(Contact Name) at <br>(Contact Phone) or (Contact Email)</span></div>

    FireFox Text
    <div style="font-weight: bold;" align="center"><span style="font-family: Lucida Sans; color: #7ac142; font-size: 18pt;">(Customer Name)<br>(Week Day of Mtg), (Time of mtg)<br>(Room Location)<br><br>For more information, contact<br>(Contact Name) at <br>(Contact Phone) or (Contact Email)</span></div>

    IE Text
    <div align=center><span style="FONT-SIZE: 18pt; COLOR: #7ac142; FONT-FAMILY: Lucida Sans"><strong>(Customer Name)<br>(Week Day of Mtg), (Time of mtg)<br>(Room Location)<br><br>For more information, contact<br>(Contact Name) at <br>(Contact Phone) or (Contact Email)</strong></span></div>
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