i ran this code
For Each oItem As CuteEditor.ToolControl In _advancededitor.ToolControls
_advancededitor.Text += oItem.Name()
and i got
Save Print preview Find ToFullPage FromFullPage CleanCode netspell Cut Copy Paste PasteText PasteWord Delete Undo Redo Break InsertParagraph InsertPageBreak InsertDate InsertTime InsertChars InsertEmotion UniversalKeyboard InsertLayer InsertFieldSet ImageGalleryByBrowsing InsertImage InsertFlash InsertMedia InsertDocument InsertTemplate Help TableDropDown InsertRowTop InsertRowBottom DeleteRow InsertColumnLeft InsertColumnRight DeleteColumn InsertCell DeleteCell EditRow EditCell MergeRight MergeBottom HorSplitCell VerSplitCell BlockDirLTR BlockDirRTL BoxFormatting InsertForm InsertTextBox InsertInputText InsertInputPassword InsertInputhidden InsertListBox InsertDropDown InsertRadioBox InsertCheckBox InsertInputImage InsertInputSubmit InsertInputReset InsertInputButton DocumentPropertyPage Bold Italic Underline JustifyLeft JustifyCenter JustifyRight JustifyFull JustifyNone RemoveFormat ForeColor BackColor InsertOrderedList InsertUnorderedList Indent Outdent Superscript Subscript StrikeThrough Ucase Lcase InsertHorizontalRule InsertLink Unlink InsertAnchor ImageMap AbsolutePosition BringForward BringBackward ToggleBorder SelectAll SelectNone CssClass CssStyle FormatBlock FontName FontSize LinkTree Codes Images Zoom insertcustombutonhere
so they do exist.. just dont render
the toolbarid is <div id="CE__ctl6__ctl1_632832732988075740_ID_ToolBar"> when rendered when it originally should be
<div id="CE_632832732988075740_ID_ToolBar">..
maybe this is the problem