Re: CuteEditor for ASP doesn't work with IE 5.5?

  •  09-27-2004, 5:23 AM

    Re: CuteEditor for ASP doesn't work with IE 5.5?

    righty, here's what you do:

    Search the file 'include_CuteEditor.asp' for the function 'DetermineRenderClientScript'
    Replace the line of code:
      userVersion = CInt(Mid(userAgent, InStr(userAgent, "MSIE") + 5, 1))
    with these 5 lines of code:
      If Mid(userAgent, InStr(userAgent, "MSIE") + 6, 1) = "." Then
        userVersion = CInt(Mid(userAgent, InStr(userAgent, "MSIE") + 5, 3))
        userVersion = CInt(Mid(userAgent, InStr(userAgent, "MSIE") + 5, 1)) 
      End If

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