delete all content - cannot focus Editor content window afterwards

  •  05-11-2006, 8:51 AM

    delete all content - cannot focus Editor content window afterwards

    I'm trying to create a custom button in the toolbar to clear all the content. After a user clicks on it, he cannot focus the content window at all. I've also added FocusDocument method, but it still doesn't work.
    Is there anything wrong with my code?
    Thanks a lot!
    Dim ctrl As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl
    ctrl = ce_description.CreateCommandButton("MyButton", "delete.gif", "Clear Content")
    ctrl.Attributes("onclick")="var ce = CuteEditor_GetEditor(this); ce.setHTML(''); ce.FocusDocument()"
    'get the pos after the Italic
    Dim pos As Integer
    pos = ce_description.ToolControls.IndexOf("Italic") + 1
    'add this custom button into the editor
    ce_description.InsertToolControl(pos, "MyButton", ctrl)  
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