plz. do reply..

  •  05-03-2006, 9:23 AM

    plz. do reply..

    while integrating this editor control with any ASP page we set the files paths like this;
    editor.FlashGalleryPath = "xxxxx"
    editor.FilesGalleryPath = "xxxxx"
    editor.MediaGalleryPath = "xxxxx"
    editor.ImageGalleryPath = "xxxxx"
    so let say i upload a .jpg image then that uploaded image will save at this location "xxxxx"
    Now i am coming to my point;
    Is there any way to save the same image in two different locations at once;
    for example; i want to upload an image abc.gif and the path i set is editor.ImageGalleryPath = "image1\" so this abc.gif image will upload at image1 folder... but i want that the uploaded image abc.gif should save at two locations that is image1 folder and images2 folder... so is there any way like;
    editor.ImageGalleryPath1 = "xxxxx"
    editor.ImageGalleryPath2 = "xxxxx"

    looking forward for your prompt reply.
    Thanks in advance for ur help.

    Nadir Ali Shah

    Application Developer
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