Custom window fails to paste into CE

  •  04-13-2006, 3:08 PM

    Custom window fails to paste into CE

    I have created a custom button that opens a popup window, but I am having a problem pasting the HTML back to CE.
    I am opening the popup with the following
    function ShowMyTemplate(button)
     var editor=CuteEditor_GetEditor(button);
     WindowObjectReference ="Gallery.asp?_rand="+new Date().getTime(),"popup","height=500, width=600, resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,status=yes");
    The reason I am using is because I was having problems submitting the form to itself once it was opened; it keep opening up another instance of the window.  Also showModelessDialog only works in IE.
    When I try to execute the Javascript from the custom window it gives the error 'undefined' is null or is not an object.
    function button_click()
      var editor=window.dialogArguments;
    Do you have any idea how I can resolve this?
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