Re: SUggestion to CuteSoft folks

  •  04-11-2006, 1:28 AM

    Re: SUggestion to CuteSoft folks

    Yes I totally agree.  I have been using 4.01+ for some time and have had many many troubles.  Adam is very helpful and in my opinion (If I may say so) under resourced.
    Some of my post have been a bit 'to the point'  I guess I expect answers to questions, even if the answer is I dont know.  I have just managed to fix my netSpell problem with no help from here (a separate post will be created to help others).  In fact the error I posted (detailed exact syntax) could not have possibly been as a result of:
    a..The bin not being in the wrong place (and its files)
    b..The framework installed
    These were the questioned I was asked - cmon you cute guys.  If you dont know, say so, please do not ignore direct questions or give a smoke screen answer to look like you are making an effort.  I may be a new member here with very little history however I am a senior member of more than one ASP forum and have given your product good raps everywhere except for our out standing issue:
    Title: IE 5.5 SP2 Failure Final Update...
    Adam says in this post:
    "This issue has been resolved in the version 5.0"
    It has not, you never tested it, it continues to fail.  have you given up on that post or not?

    Wind is your friend
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