SnagIt Screen Capture Integration?

  •  04-10-2006, 4:46 PM

    SnagIt Screen Capture Integration?

    We have been looking for a way to capture a screen shot on the fly and have it automatically upload and insert it just like SnagIt does with Outlook.  This is a feature we use every day with Outlook and Word and it saves so much time when needing to insert a screen shot from your computer.  You do not have to first save the image, remember the path/filename and then insert it.  So in a software support department for example, it saves a bunch of time.
    Take a look at how SnagIt integrates with Outlook to see what I mean.
    SnagIt and Microsoft Outlook
    • Automatically insert images, screenshots, text data and more directly into your e-mail messages with one click.
    • Enhance your communication abilities by adding SnagIt to your Outlook toolbar.
    • To show people your ideas, thoughts and solutions in the easiest way possible, just click the SnagIt button.
    This would be a great enhancement to Cute Editor if it can be done.  It would allow a user to capture any part of their screen and directly upload it on the fly without having to save it first.  In fact there is a SnagIT SDK that you could probably use to do this and it's free.
    This might be pushing the limits of ASP.NET but that is our dream feature.
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