Problem with <div> within <table>

  •  04-05-2006, 4:33 AM

    Problem with <div> within <table>

    I'm having a problem with CuteSoft Editor. 
    When I try to insert a <div> within a <table>, the editor changes my source code from :
    <div id=Colorplaytime6 style="DISPLAY: none" name="Colorplaytime6">
    <div id=Colorplaytime6 style="DISPLAY: none" name="Colorplaytime6"></div>
    The same thing happens when I tried it in the CuteEditor 5.2 online demo.
    Additionally, I've disabled all AutoFormatting, usage of HTMLEntities in the editor, but in vain.
    If anyone got an idea? Plz help me out quickly.
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