Cannot paste <link> or <script> tags into editor, even with enablescriptstrip turned off. Please reply....

  •  04-03-2006, 2:21 PM

    Cannot paste <link> or <script> tags into editor, even with enablescriptstrip turned off. Please reply....

    Hi, I have created functionality that essentially duplicates the templates dialog box, but for uploading/creating/deleting .css files.
    I have everything working except for the one key: after the user checks a checkbox and clicks teh Insert button, the html does not get pasted into the editor that called the dialog box. The javascript code inthe dialog box looks like this:
    function InsertIncludeTags()
     //call the instance fo the editor that was passed up, and paste in the value of hidIncludeTags
     //var IncludeTags = document.getElementById("hidIncludeTags").value;
     var IncludeTags = "<link type='text/css' href='UI/CSS/UNG.css' rel=Stylesheet' />";
    var editor=window.dialogArguments;
     var someting = e.message;
    If I take the < > out of the red text above, then the whole thing works great. Interestingly, I was not even able to paste that line into this instance of the editor while writing this post. I had to type it out, because it kept strippingit.
    Is there a setting somewhere for this? Just for the record, I have tried a variety of properties, like enablestripscript=false, disableautoformatiing true/false, etc., but nothign seems to work.
    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as I've spent quite a bit of time creating this functionality.
    PS: Just to be absolutily clear, the functionality that I have written works perfectly except for it stripping, or rather not allowing the paste of this html.
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