Web Standards Compliance

  •  09-11-2004, 2:32 AM

    Web Standards Compliance

    Since we´re all programmers I believe most of us are not really concerned about developing for Web Standards, but this is something we all should be aware and this is the right time to learn how to create XHTML pages ... the guys from Microsoft .NET team are working hard to have VS 2005 ws compliant. Right now asp.net web server controls are really quirk in respect to ws compliance and it´s being a hard task to have a asp.net website compliant too, because it´s not up to you to set the right attributes when the web server control renders, plus the way javascript auto-inserted helpers in an asp.net page which is using client-side validation again, doesn´t render in compliance, eg: <script language=javascript> from the function __doPostBack(), should be <script type="text/javascript"></script>

    Well, so the major new issue for CE will be, being compliant to XHTML rules, right?
    Reference 2: Sample, if you validate my website url for XHTML1.1: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.mista.com.br/default.aspx , you´ll se around 12 errors caused by asp.net web controls rendering non compliant attributes
    Well, I´m just putting some salt on the cake here, but I truly think comliance to ws is an important thing.

    »»» KenA
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