Lots of Problems

  •  03-28-2006, 4:08 PM

    Lots of Problems

    No Response from Support !?
    I've several problems
    - Image Map do not work somehow ???
    - Upload Documents ... I can see just the folder icon on the top of the page...there seems to be an mouseonover error everytime when I move the mouse over the icon an error appears...
    - Somehow relative Path in Image Insertion does not work
    - Is there somewhere a description how path etc. needs to be set? I wanted to have
    in the content folder I have a folder for every internetpage with a file called content.htm an all needed images, pdf files and so on in the same article folder
    Any way...is there somewhere a better description than only the online Hepfiles, for customization, installation and example configurations.
    Where can I download the latest versions? I did not get a login an d Password or something like that.
    Thanks Stefan
    German version has some wrong spelled words...where can I address this ?
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