Wierd FireFox issue

  •  03-24-2006, 9:01 PM

    Wierd FireFox issue

    Here is a wierd one...in FireFox and IE to a lesser degree, use the '-' button to shrink the window. Press it 10 times, at some point the window will stop shrinking, but still press it 10x. Now what I expect is that I have reached the smallest possible window (which is much smaller in IE). Now expand the window by pressing the '+' ... how many time do you need to press it before it expands???? The same number of times you were pressing the '-'  after the window stopped getting smaller. IE does a similar thing, but is smart enough that after the second press to start enlarging. I expect that the counter in FireFox is still being decremented but the software cuts off a min window height.
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