Re: Problem with CState is undefined

  •  03-24-2006, 5:03 AM

    Re: Problem with CState is undefined

    Hi Volker, glad to see that you have got cuteeditor working.
    I got cutteditor works in my server, but it works horrible. I already installed the files as a new installation and I have copied the license file and I have changed the references to MSXMLDOM and the result is:
    Every time enter key is pressed (nothing happens if shift+enter is pressed):
    When I want to insert a link, the highlighted text is replaced for the url or the tag of the selected link:
    When I want to insert an anchor using the appropriate button in the toolbar, the anchor is inserted but the error below is popping up:
    And the last one and I guess is still there because Cutesoft didn't fix it yet is the dropdown forecolor and backcolor list:
    Please, Adam or anyone, could you show me a cuteeditor ASP demo of that customised dropdown list working? in any of your samples those dropdownlist are not shown.
          <item type="dropdown" name="DropForeColor" command="DropForeColor" />  
          <item type="dropdown" name="DropBackColor" command="DropBackColor" />  
       <item text="[[NotSet]]" value="null"></item>
       <item text="Black" color="Black" value="Black"></item>
       <item text="Red" color="Red" value="Red"></item>
       <item text="[[NotSet]]" value="null"></item>
       <item text="White" bgColor="White" value="White"></item>
       <item text="Red" bgColor="Red" value="Red"></item>
    I haven't checked other buttons in the toolbar and I suppose all these errors (not the last one) are produced because something wrong in the installation or the server, but for god sake, is an unzipped installation!! no setup.exe, no EXE files, no dll's to register, it shouldn't be so complicate!! and I already have a cuteeditor version 5 working in three diferent servers and I installed those files without any problem at all!!
    I'm sorry but is friday and I have wasted one and a half hour of my time testing and writing this and I'm completely pissed off and still at least 7 hours to go.
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