Re: Upgrading to 5.1 version

  •  03-22-2006, 12:49 PM

    Re: Upgrading to 5.1 version

    Hi Adam, find below the code in the fullscreen.asp:
    <!-- #include file = "CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp" -->
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="asp.css"  type="text/css" />
      <form name="theForm" action="Get_HtmlContent.asp" method="post" ID="Form1">
      <h1>Full screen mode</h1>
      <div class="infoBox">
        Full screen mode button (F12 shortcut)  allows you to stretch the Cute Editor control to the width and height of your browser window. <BR>
      <br />
       dim content
       content = "Type here"   
       Dim editor
       Set editor = New CuteEditor
       editor.ID = "Editor1"
       editor.Text = content
       editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
       editor.FullPageOnload = true
       editor.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 12px arial; }"
       editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
       ' Request.Form(ID) access from other page
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