Absolute path with images using UseRelativeLinks = false not working

  •  03-21-2006, 7:45 PM

    Absolute path with images using UseRelativeLinks = false not working

    I have added the editor to our site and have an issue when inserting images.  The image inserts with no issues and displays correctly, but in IE I cannot get the editor to show the absolute path(http://ourdomain.com/CuteEditor/uploads/whatever.jpg instead of /CuteEditor/uploads/whatever.jpg).  It works fine in Mozilla, but IE seems to have this issue from other posts I've seen.
    I have tried this with the samples and input from this forum, and have tried setting the UseRelativeLinks = false and the RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = false with no results.
    Here is the code I am using to create the editor:
    Dim editor
    Set editor = New CuteEditor
    editor.ID = "Editor1"
    editor.Text = "Type here"
    editor.FilesPath = "/CuteEditor/CuteEditor_Files"
       editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/CuteEditor/uploads"
    editor.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 12px arial; }"
    editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "asp.css"
    editor.UseRelativeLinks = false
    editor.RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = false
    I have also tried setting the BaseHref to our domain, but still cannot get this to work correctly.
    We're on version 5.1.
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