Issue: Inserting Custom Tag Attributes in a Link tag

  •  09-08-2004, 10:26 AM

    Issue: Inserting Custom Tag Attributes in a Link tag

    Hi ... I have a StyleDropDown in CE and in a css file that I include with the aspx page with a CE control I´ve set css to links I would create using CE, something like:


        A.ceLinks:link{text-decoration: none;}

        A.ceLinks:hover{text-decoration: underline;}

        A.ceLinks:visited{text-decoration: none;}

        DropDownList ddlStyles = new DropDownList();

        ddlStyles.Items.Add(new ListItem("ceLinks","ceLinks"));

        this.ce1.StyleDropDown = ddlStyles;

    So far so good, then I run the aspx page an insert a link like:
        <A title=Microsoft href="" target=_blank>link</A>
    Now I select the link and set the ddl for 'ceLinks' and I have:
        <FONT class=ceLinks>
            <A title=Microsoft href="" target=_blank>link</A>
            <A title=Microsoft href="" target=_blank>
    Issue #1: It should be: <A class=ceLinks title=Microsoft href="" target=_blank>link</A>
    Issue #2: <a ...> appears 2 times and mal-formated
    Issue #3: it is using <font> tag which by the way is not W3C standard anymore
    Note: I also have another ddl item that inserts a class attribute that I use to create a solid black border in an image and it does it just fine!

        .ceImageBorders{border: black 1px solid;}

    The Result: <IMG class=ceImageBorders src="http://localhost/ceXps/Ddls/Loading.gif">
    Any tips on this matter would be very appreciated.

    »»» KenA
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