Re: Absolute path when inserting images or downloadable files

  •  09-08-2004, 6:07 AM

    Re: Absolute path when inserting images or downloadable files

    That setting doesn't work.. at least not correct.

    At my system, I have a normal Windows XP IIS, so sites in development run under a virtualdirectory at my IIS. I open up the content management system, which is located in /admin. When I insert a link to "pages.aspx?id=18" the, outcome is:
    a href="/virtualdirectory/admin/page.aspx?id=18"
    That is not correct. It is ofcourse a relative url... but relative to what ? Only the webserver on which the page is running. The virtualdirectory is absolute (which is NOT a good thing as the site as going to run under a new website at the IIS on the webserver). And, the /admin/ directory is also included in the link. That's a problem, because the page.aspx is not in the admin directory, but above it.
    So.. when I enter "pages.aspx?id=18" why does it not simply add a link <a href="pages.aspx?id=18"> ??????
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