Absolute path when inserting images or downloadable files

  •  09-06-2004, 7:49 AM

    Absolute path when inserting images or downloadable files

    Come on guys.. I have purchased serveral licenses by now and I really wanted to have a standard editor for all my applications. However, this CuteEditor obviously needs a lot of development.

    Now, when I insert an image or a downloadable file, the path is absolute !!! Meaning when I publish the whole project, every image and pdf get's downloaded from http://localhost ??? These files are uploaded to a directory CuteEditor can relate to. Then why use absolute paths ?
    Also, I still can't add custom colors to the fore- and backgroundcolor dialogs. When I alter the properties in design mode, the page crashes:
    Cannot create an object of type 'System.String[]' from its string representation 'String[] Array' for the 'ColorsList' property.
    When I change it by code.. nothing happens.
    CuteEditor seemed a nice product, but if it continues to dissapoint me, or it keeps getting me into a lot of work to create work-arounds, I guess I have no choice then to search for an alternative.
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