Re: Context Menu

  •  03-07-2006, 1:08 PM

    Re: Context Menu

    I am currently evaluating HTML editors and have to make a decision ASAP.
    CuteEditor is by far the easiest to develop an application with (versus r.a.d.Editor and FCKeditor) .
    However, I am concerned that features I may need will not be forthcoming anytime soon .
    Do you have a tentative release plan that shows which features will be added in which versions?  I don't really care about the exact timing; I'm more interested in the sequencing of feature additions and ball park estimates.
    I know I can buy the source code and modify it myself, but then I might as well just use open source .
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I definitely like this product the best, but there may be some issues that make it a non-starter.
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