•  03-07-2006, 9:41 AM


    Dear Cutesoft,
    We are due to launch a large community site soon and intend to use Cutechat.asp integration for the instant messaging facility and club chat room facility.
    Within the community site members will be able to form 'clubs'. Each club will have a club members list.
    We intend to buy "Cute Web Massager" for member to talk privately one to one and to buy "Cute chat" for the club forums.
    We have 3 fundamental questions that we need to resolve before purchasing these:
    1) Images: We require the member who is being spoken to have their image loaded in the chat window in the same way as MSN. Is this possible? Also we would like their member name - which we would like to make a link to their member profile.
    2) When you block a member in cute chat or web messenger do they remain blocked? Also we have our own blocking facility. Would it be possible to parse this information to web chat so that if a member blocks another member in our site generally cute messenger will automatically know this member is blocked from contact?
    3) Most importantly: The club chat rooms will be open to only club members, it is possible to modify the invitation list in cute chat per club so that only a particular set of members can partake or be invited in an active chat room?
    4) Each club will have it's own chat rooms, is it possible to configure the list of active chat rooms shown in a window to only show ones initiated within a particular club?
    I would appreciate you urgent assistance in the above. Does Cutesoft have a number I can call? 
    Kind regards and many thanks


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