Inline css dissapearing

  •  03-06-2006, 8:42 AM

    Inline css dissapearing

    I have an editor for creating emails.
    <ce:Editor id="edit" runat="server" BreakElement="Br" RemoveTBODYTag="True" 
    height="100%" width="800" EnableStripScriptTags="False" ShowPreviewMode="True" 
        ShowDecreaseButton="False" ShowEnlargeButton="False" DisableAutoFormatting="True"
        EnableContextMenu="False" CustomCulture="sv-SE" UseHTMLEntities="True"
    EditCompleteDocument="True" BaseHref="http://123.456.789.0/" UseRelativeLinks="False"
    AutoConfigure="Minimal" >
    I load some HTML at Page.Load and the user gets to edit the mail.
    The problem is that my inline css that I load into the editor (from a database) dissapears in html view.
    The html in the editor is not affected by the css either.
    If I access the .Text property my inline css i there and the mail looks good when I send it.
    If I change to UseRelativeLinks="True" my css shows again, but they are still not affecting the content of the editor.
    I really need UseRelativeLinks="False" or all my links and pictures in the mails gets broken
    What do I do wrong?
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