A question about the size of my customizable template

  •  08-31-2004, 11:38 AM

    A question about the size of my customizable template

    Hello, I'm french so sorry for my ugly english.

    I create a file with a file system object before coming to CuteSoft Home Page editor :
    Code :      
        tplate = "<table width=""740"" UNSELECTABLE=ON>"_
         &"<td width=""140"" height=""500"" valign=""top"" UNSELECTABLE=ON ContentEditable=""false"">"_
         &"<" & "!" & "--#" & "include virtual='" & "/Administration_Intranet/Includes/Menu_Left.inc.asp" & "'-->"_
         &"<td width=""600"" valign=""top"" ContentEditable=true>"_
         &"Your text here"_
            Set fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
           Set fo=fso.GetFolder(replace(request("folder"), "%20", " "))
           Set f=fo.CreateTextFile(replace(url_page, "%20", " "), false) 
        The size of my left menu must be fixed to 140px and the size of the content part must be fixed to 600px. But when I do a very long string without spaces, the size of the content part is growing and break my page-setting.
    Can you help me please?
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