smartNavigation throws error

  •  08-26-2004, 11:34 PM

    smartNavigation throws error

    I am having diffuclty when I have Cute Editor on a page and I set smartNavigation = True. I get an "Object doesn't support this property or method" error - the line number doesnt even relate to a line of Javascript, just base html, so i am clearly not getting any help there.

    Has anybody else noticed this?  Is this a known bug?
    [More Info]
    Did a bit more investigation - the editor adds some JS code to the page:

    <script language="javascript">

        var editing;

        for (var i = 0; i < g_state.length; i ++)


        var submit_data = document.getElementById('frmMain').submit;

        document.getElementById('frmMain').submit = function() {

            for (var i = 0; i < g_state.length; i ++)




    It looks like this error is being thrown because g_state[0] which is an instance of _CState, does not have its Load method defined.  In the watch window i put in:
        "Load" in _CState and I get false
        "open" in window returns true
    Looking at the WinIE.js, I see this can happen if Editor_prototype_called is already defined, but then you might expect the Load method to also be defined, as it is in the prototype.
    [More Info 2]
    As an excercise I modified the block of code in WinIE.js:


    if (typeof(Editor_prototype_called) == 'undefined') {

        Editor_prototype_called = true;

        _CState.prototype.Load = EditorLoad;

        _CState.prototype.EditorView = EditorView;

        _CState.prototype._Format = _Format; = save;

        _CState.prototype.doRow = doRow;

        _CState.prototype.doColumn = doColumn;

        _CState.prototype.doCell = doCell;


    to be as follows:

        _CState.prototype.Load = EditorLoad;

        _CState.prototype.EditorView = EditorView;

        _CState.prototype._Format = _Format; = save;

        _CState.prototype.doRow = doRow;

        _CState.prototype.doColumn = doColumn;

        _CState.prototype.doCell = doCell;


        this.Load = EditorLoad;

        this.EditorView = EditorView;

        this._Format = _Format; = save;

        this.doRow = doRow;

        this.doColumn = doColumn;

        this.doCell = doCell;

    and it now works just fine.
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