Re: converting to RTF does not work properly

  •  02-21-2006, 11:58 PM

    Re: converting to RTF does not work properly

    Any luck? I have to decide wheather to use or not your control in our project rather quickly.
    Since I have been doing some more testing I have noticed that the control in our project doesn't act the same as in your samples. So maybe we haven't configured it properly. For example when I write the text, press enter and then wqant to insert the List int the new line it appears int he line above.

    Form example:
    This is what I want:

    Some text:
    • List 1
    • list 2
    And this is what I get in most cases (sometimes it gets right)

    • Some text:
    • List 1
    • List 2
    And pressing enter doesn't finish the list but changes the form of the leading symbol.

    Please help!!
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