BreakElement BR and Styles

  •  02-13-2006, 10:57 AM

    BreakElement BR and Styles

    Apologies if this has already been asked, I've had a good look and can't find anything to help...
    I've been seeing how the editor would handle using BR for the breakelement, and while this appears to work fine in Firefox it doesn't let me apply styles when viewing the editor in IE.  For example, I write some heading text and apply a paragraph style to it.  Then when I go onto the new line I want the text to be "normal" and not the heading text style.  But applying the style (or changing it) applies the style to the heading and the text underneath it. 
    I've looked at the html and it's wrapping the entire text in <h1> tags, when I only want it to wrap the heading.
    Would I be better off using the inline styles in this case?

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