Re: Problem using InsertImage instead ImageGalleryByBrowsing

  •  02-10-2006, 1:32 PM

    Re: Problem using InsertImage instead ImageGalleryByBrowsing

    When trying your example on the demo site I do not see your problem, however i see others.
    When inserting from the Gallery, the alt element is missing, only the image src is there
    When inserting an image thru insert image you supply height, width, alt and border

    This does not happen when using the XML Demo, except that the element border does not appear from the gallery insert

    The two are not consistant
    Another really wierd things:


    from image gallery insert the picture of the woman with hands at the bottom of the page
    then without doing anything else, insert from the insert image the create.jpg
    select the create image then using the vertical scroll bar on the pane, scroll up
    why does the 8 select nodes around the image appear out of frame?
    This does this only (so far) in IE, firefox does not do this
    You still have the missing space in <br/> but you do put it in <hr />
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