Add custom button

  •  02-09-2006, 4:55 AM

    Add custom button

    I am trying to add a button to CE according to how_to_create_custom_button.aspx in /vb
    So I have this code:

    Dim pos As Integer = editor.ToolControls.IndexOf("italic") + 1

    Dim ctrl As Web.UI.WebControls.WebControl = editor.CreateCommandButton("myButton", "anchor.gif", "Insert Articles")


    editor.InsertToolControl(pos, "myButton", ctrl)
    and the CE:

    <CE:Editor ID="editor" runat=server Width =600 AllowPasteHtml =true AutoConfigure =full BorderWidth =3

    OnPostBackCommand = "saveFile" >
    But it's not working...
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thank you
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