Re: 'CuteEditorClientClass' is undefined

  •  02-02-2006, 7:21 PM

    Re: 'CuteEditorClientClass' is undefined

    I tried this and as stated in the email I sent to you earlier this week the issue lies when the editor is placed in a page (2.0) with an assortment of linkbuttons that rely on the .NET generated __doPostBack() function.  I sent code where this occurs in IE with the emails. 

    I tried the download from today and while FireFox still works, it also no longer complains of errant JS.  IE, the situation is resolved as far as what was described in this thread, but the interference with the __doPostBack function still remains.

    I get the following JS error in IE with pages that contain the editor and linkbuttons which rely on the __doPostBack() function:

    Error: missing ( before formal parameters
    Source File: http://localhost/DOMAIN/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/WinIE.js
    Line: 1, Column: 200
    Source Code:
    vent(OxO8ed2[0x14],Ox418) ;} finally{for(var Ox17b in Ox410){ Ox410[Ox17b]=null ;} ;for(var Ox17b in editor){try{ editor[Ox17b]=null ;} catch(x){} ;} ; Ox410=null ; editor=null ;} ;}  ; function Ox410.SetActiveTab(Ox18e){ _set_ActiveTab(Ox18e) ;}  ; funct

    Thanks for your time.
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