Re: Error on testing at my ISPs server.

  •  08-18-2004, 5:39 AM

    Re: Error on testing at my ISPs server.

    I think your ISP probably suxs -As their excuse is offensive as its so stupid (a dedicated server? for one additional control...bite me).  I use a great ISP for MS dotnet (Its USA, but perhaps that dosent matter to ya):

    (I use their standard advanced (26.95/mo) - as I need a sql2K db) and their shared intermediate (16.95/mo) for additional sites as they can all can access the one database-which is nice -:) but they have a standard plan (7.95/mo) that would work for you and still let you use 3rd part controls n stuff).
    Their customer service is nothing short of rock star.
    hope it helps man-I hate bad ISPs as they ruin our fun.
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