Re: NullReference when customizing Links ddl

  •  01-25-2006, 2:51 PM

    Re: NullReference when customizing Links ddl

    OK, will this actually change the links in the default LinkTree (as defined in the config file) or will this only create a new linktree. all I really want to do is change the links in the default tree, but I can't seem to do that using the following code:

    objRead = cmd.ExecuteReader

    Dim tdd As CuteEditor.TreeDropDownList

    tdd = DirectCast(Editor1.ToolControls("LinkTree").Control, CuteEditor.TreeDropDownList)


    While objRead.Read()

    Dim rootitem As CuteEditor.TreeListItem

    rootitem = New CuteEditor.TreeListItem(objRead("title").ToString, objRead("title").ToString, "~/default.aspx?pageid=" & objRead("id"))


    End While

    I get no errors, but the links are still the default ones from the config file
    P.S. I am running this code in the Editor1_Load sub
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