Javascript output stored in Normal view, corrupting content

  •  01-23-2006, 2:31 PM

    Javascript output stored in Normal view, corrupting content

    I hit an issue with the 5.0 editor where content that contains script tags with Javascript that outputs html (through document.write) gets corrupted as the output of the Javascript is added when switching between the HTML tab and the Normal tab. If I switch back and forth between HTML and Normal views, the javascript output gets repeated within the actual HTML.

    Ideally, the output from the Javascript code should NOT be stored in CuteEdit's view of the world as it's intended to be executed in the browser by the user, not the CuteEdit control.

    I've tried your online demo with the content, and the behavior is repeatable on your site. Unfortunately, I can't upload the HTML as it gets corrupted by the same bug as well. I can send an email with the sample HTML for you to use in testing if you'd like.


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