Re: General problems using CuteEditor 5.1

  •  01-20-2006, 10:27 AM

    Re: General problems using CuteEditor 5.1

    Here is a public link to the CuteEditor examples in my project:
    The compiler error ("Cannot declare a namespace and a type both named A") appears e.g. if you click "Insert image".

    Do you have any idea?
    Are there any problems with entries in the web.config?

        <add key="ConnectionStringDE" value="data ..." />

        <compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" >
        <add assembly="CuteEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3858aa6802b1223a, Custom=null"/> 


        <customErrors defaultRedirect="..." />

        <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10000000" executionTimeout="3600" />


        <authentication mode="Windows" />
                <allow users="*" />

            <sessionState mode="SQLServer" ...>

              <globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" />



    Are any conflictc possible with other assemplies?
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