Evaluting richeditor - DB storage for rHTMl

  •  01-15-2006, 11:23 AM

    Evaluting richeditor - DB storage for rHTMl

    I have downloaded CustomFileProvider sample and set the start page ad the UseMdb.aspx. When I run it I just get empty cuteeditor (though I am sending query string param 29 (http://localhost/CustomFileProvider/AccessSample1/UseMdb.aspx?fileid=29) no image is being displayed ( ithough 3.jpg should be displayed in the cute editor). I kept a break point in the DownFile.Aspx but that is never getting hit.
    Any suggestions about what is wrong? Why is the image from the access DB not being displayed in cute editor. Why the breakppoint is not hit in the Downloadfile.aspx?
    Thanks in adv,
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