Hi Adam,
Thanks for your rapid response.
_ I have copied all files/folders from v5/bin and cuteSoft_Client
_ I use the licence coming with the demo (can I use my old licence file ?)
_ I have no problems using the demos (with a localhost virtual dir on IIS)
Code to render the Editor :
.aspx : <CE:Editor EnableFancyDropDownMenu="true" id="txtBasePage" runat="server" height="400" ></CE:Editor>
.vb :
Private Sub createEditor(ByRef ed as Editor)
ed.ConfigurationPath = "~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/vkbEditor.config"
ed.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "~/styles/vkc.css"
ed.EditorBodyStyle = "~/editor.aspx"
ed.focus = True
ed.AutoParseClasses = True
ed.CodeViewTemplateItemList="Cut,Copy,Paste,Find,SelectAll " '<== Btw, this doesn't seem to work !
End Sub
Code to input text to the Editor :
'html is a ntext column in sqlServer 2K
if not isdbnull(sqlReader("html")) then
txtBasePage.text = server.htmlDecode(sqlReader("html"))
end if
Code to retrieve text from the Editor :
Public Sub btnBasePageSave_Click(ByVal ....
Dim t as String = Server.HtmlEncode(txtBasePage.Text)
Thanks for any help !