HTML Encoded to #s

  •  01-12-2006, 2:32 AM

    HTML Encoded to #s

    Yesterday, I decided to upgrade my Editors from v2 to v5 (big step). After some small issues, everything finally works...(almost !)
    My application uses a db to store and retreive the Editor's content. Whatever I type in the Editor is converted to ...#1#ed...It goes like this into the database, so when I retreive the data back from the db, it's unreadable - meaning the content is lost !
    Is there a specific way for storing data ? I used to HTMLEncode it, is this still valid ?
    Thanks for any help,
    PS: Lorem Ipsum become : 2L#5r#9m ip#7um d#5l#5r #7it am#9t, c#5n#7#9t#9tur #7adip#7cing #9litr,#3nb#7p; #7#9d diam n#5numy #9irm#5d t#9mp#5r invidunt ut lab#5r#9 #9t d#5l#5r#9 magna aliquyam #9rat, #7#9d diam v#5luptua
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