Adam wrote: |
>> would like to remove the logo and banner from the top... and have it so that everything else pushes up to the top instead of having a blank area where these two should be
Please open the CH_MainForm.aspx.
And remove the following code:
<table id="chat_layout_top" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="200"> <img title="CuteChat" src="<%=ChatWebUtility.LogoUrl%>"> </td> <td align="center"> <tAds:TopAds id="ChatRoomAd1" runat="server"></tAds:TopAds> </td> <td width="200"> </td> </tr> </table>
Adam, I made this change to my page and I get the error "chat_layout_top no defined". Any ideas? I restarted my application after I made the changes if that is a requirement.