Re: Pre-defined Links Drop Down List - Change Width? Add another one?

  •  01-04-2006, 3:18 PM

    Re: Pre-defined Links Drop Down List - Change Width? Add another one?

    I have the same problem to this;
    "Also if I highlight some text and then select an item from that drop down, it places the link and overwrites the text I highlighted with the name from the drop down box. I tried your in this editor and it does not do that. What am I doing wrong?"
    I am using version 4.2
    How to resolve this in version 4.2? I would not like to upgrade to 5.0 at this moment. As it seems there still are some issues to iron out. I never upgrade until at least 3 months have passed with a new release (so all initial bugs can be fixed - just facts of life! :-))
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