Insert internal links via custom popup window

  •  12-29-2005, 7:34 AM

    Insert internal links via custom popup window

    I am using your CuteEditor 4.2 for ASP and it works very well so far, except for one thing, that I cannot manage to solve. I need to be able to handle all my internal pages in the system, and link to those.

    Just basic stuff, that is, pull it out of the DB and generate a table with all the internal pages to select from. Works without a problem!
    Now, I am trying to use your Custombutton via the editor.CustomAddons;
        vLink = "'../CuteEditor_Files/insert_link_internal.asp','_blank','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=350,height=600').focus()"
        editor.CustomAddons = "<span title=""Custom Addons"" class=""button"" onclick=" & """" & vLink & """" & "type=""btn"" border=""0""> Länk </span>"
    As you can see, I have made a new page called "insert_link_internal.asp", which is a copy of your "insert_link.asp". In that same page I have placed the above mentioned table with all internal pages to select from. It even give me a special mini javascript dropdown solution to select all Anchors from each page. Works without a problem!
    From this table, I select an internal page and/or anchor and in your field called "inp_src", my selection is inserted via javascript (instead of manually enter a value/text in your "insert_link.asp" page). Works perfect!
    Now, when I click on the "Insert" button nothing happens! The "Cancel" button acts as normal, ie the the popup closes, but the "Insert" button does not work. It neither inserts what is in the "inp_src" field into the Editor or neither closes the popup window (like your "insert_link.asp" page does).
    What is missing? Please advise, so I can continue using your excellent product.

    Please note, that I do not want to use your "Link" dropdown solution, but be able to use a separate popup window, like described above.
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