non-IE browsers

  •  12-27-2005, 5:13 PM

    non-IE browsers

    I cannot use this product with non-IE browsers. There are so many issues, many of which I have posted, that I came across using it that , in my opinion, suggest it is not ready for market.

    Showstoppers include:
    • When I have two editors side by side in a form, and the left-most editor has an image, I cannot get focus to that editor   without switching to fullscreen mode.
    •  Also, Netscape and Firefox sometimes go bursurk and keep loading things forever, or just poof or seg fault.
    Adam, your initial reaction is likely: tell me your problems and we will address them. I have already posted all the troubles I have found, but I do not have time to keep corresponding and corresponsing and testing and loading fixes and distributing them to my clients and corresponding....there are so many problems it is a fulltime job.

    I will not use this product except on IE.

    As for IE, my main problem now remains which, in its current state, is unusable w/r to that issue. So I am quite annoyed with the state of affairs.

    Unless it is resolved quickly, I will not be able to use this product with the CMS product I am on the cusp of releasing to my customer base.
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