Re: Fill up Templates via Database (ASP)

  •  12-20-2005, 2:10 PM

    Re: Fill up Templates via Database (ASP)

    You cannot execute asp code that has been written in the editor. ASP "compiles" the page prior to execution, that is, it is done doing what in needs to do before it gets around to looking at what is being pulled from the database. If you want to execute code from the editor you will need to do it in JavaScript.

    If you are just trying to fill a page with content from a database, that is fairly easy to do, even fill the editor with text from a database. You could setup the editor to edit the entire page, then save it back out, but if that code has asp code within it, I would not suggest editing it with CuteEdit.
    p.s. Maybe someone else as an idea or I am not understand the question
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