Hi leleba and sdfsadf,
You can change the interval time by making changes to the chat.js.aspx:
Global Variables
var cc_interval_updatemessage=3000; //Update Messages per 3 seconds
You can change the value of cc_interval_updatemessage to meet your own requirements. If you want to update the messages as fast as possible, just set the cc_interval_updatemessage to 1.
Th real interval time the chat users get is the cc_interval_updatemessage + network delay time.
We are working on creating a new property to handle this issue. That will make the developer's life easier.
asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
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