Re: Problem with cuteEditorv5.1 XHTML

  •  12-19-2005, 11:28 AM

    Re: Problem with cuteEditorv5.1 XHTML

    Adam, cheers for the swift response.
    I've implemented the latest DLL that you posted, however, I'm still seeing the same results from our webserver. Though I can see that your example is performing as expected.
    Also I've dropped the newer dll into the sample files supplied with the cutesoft download and locally cs/xmloutput.aspx doesn't function in the same manner as your example on the site!
    Could it be that the zip you posted the link to, somehow doesn't contain the amended dll? It still reports as
    Is the issue with 1.1.4322 runtime perhaps? (are you using the 2.0 runtime for

    Is there a way of setting the editor.Text to always give XHTML output?
    Again thanks for you help in this matter.
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