Re: Programmatically change the template files location

  •  12-16-2005, 4:48 PM

    Re: Programmatically change the template files location


    I am not sure how industrious you are, but you can have separate template directories. It is not an easy thing to do, but you will need to modify the CuteEdit Code, the Select_Template.asp file. You will probably need to store a session variable that contains the name of the template directory. While you are in that file you can also fix the misspelled word on line 80. It should be method instead of methos. I have not tested this,

    I would create  the following around line 101

    usertemp =session(“user_template”)   ‘ get the directory

    If usertemp =”” then usertemp =”template”  ‘ if the variable is blank then set it to the default

    success = xmlDoc.Load(Server.MapPath(usertemp & "/resources.xml"))

    I would create the following around line 137

    usertemp = session(“user_template”) ‘ get the directory

    If usertemp =”” then usertemp =”template” ‘ if the variable is blank then set it to the default

    FilePath = Server.mapPath(usertemp  & "/"& FilePath)

    I am sure this idea will make Adam cringe, but I have several changes I have made to the CuteEdit software to get it to work for my usage. This change is fairly easy.
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