Re: Problem with cuteEditorv5.1 XHTML

  •  12-16-2005, 1:25 PM

    Re: Problem with cuteEditorv5.1 XHTML

    After a bit more investigation...
    If I save from the HTML view then editor.XHTML is correctly displaying
    <p>wa<img height="83" hspace="5" src="/I/Images/RolledAluThumb.jpg" width="83" border="0" /> </p>
    when Response.Write(editor.XHTML)

    However if in Normal mode

    Response.Write(editor.XHTML) gives
    <p>wa<img height=83 hspace=5 src="/I/Images/RolledAluThumb.jpg" width=83 border=0> </p>
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