Re: Two Scenarios

  •  12-11-2005, 10:13 PM

    Re: Two Scenarios


    If I try to use a an absolute path (for properties such as ImageGalleryPath and EditorWysiwygModeCss) such as this:


    I receive an error stating that a virtual directory is expected. I would never hardcode a drive letter in a production application so that's not really a good option.

    I understand your suggestion for creating a virtual directory that uses a relative path. That's what I'm doing now, just at one directory level higher. Again though, it isn't a good option to make a virtual directory for each and every site (we have 20 separate areas of content and that will continue to increase) which is what this implies:

    <img src="/mockup/example.gif" width=200 height=200/>

    I was just hoping that there was some property or method of the CuteEditor control that I might be missing that would accomodate this kind of environment.

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