Why Cute Editor sucks code from a js external file?

  •  12-10-2005, 3:00 AM

    Why Cute Editor sucks code from a js external file?

     Adam wrote:
    It's strange.
    Can you reproduce the problems in the following link?
    Hello Adam,
    Here is what I am talking about; i inserted the code below in the aspx file you mentioned. After switching alternatively between Normal/Html/Preview, you will see what happens with the code (you will have to copy the code from here and paste it in to an editor that supports code injection:

    <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="http://www.powermedia.ro/Styles/mktree.css">
    <SCRIPT SRC="http://www.powermedia.ro/Includes/Js/mktree.js" LANGUAGE="JavaScript"></SCRIPT>
    <ul class="mktree">
      <li>Click to open </li>
        Some text
      <li>Click to open </li>
        Some text
    It seem to me that Cute Editor "borrows" some code from js file and stick-it tot the html within the editor, hence spoiling everything...
    How can this be avoided?
    Thanks in advance,
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